www.vending-buyer.co.uk Allow us To conduct a free appraisal of the vending stock you wish to dispose of. Or not?  That is the Question Re manufacturing is different from recycling because, as with all product reuse options it involves preserving the whole form of things. In contrast recycling activities require the destruction of the product to it’s component materials In society we have emphasized re-cycling as a beneficial activity.  The safety record in such industries is poor however, on the other hand re manufacturing performs equally as well as the rest of the manufacturing industry.  In addition it is a great breeding ground for entrepreneurial problem solving skills, more rewarding than production line jobs, and often retaining industrial, traditional skill bases. Maximize the Asset     Minimize the Waste Why not maximize the realisable value of your vending products, reduce the environmental impact and strengthen not weaken our Balance of Payments   Made with Xara